Please visit Distribution 2.22 for details of this distribution
Category: Apache ANT extension
ModelAnt 2.20 Published
- Replaced modelPathSelector with ref.get task to be used in select, search, for tasks and exists condition
- Replaced propertyAsListSelector with propertySelector, actually propertySelector could be skipped effectively – a shortcut provided
- Replaced listPropertySelector with propertySelector
- Extracted net/mdatools/modelant/utils/datatypes.xml library to hold the derived data type support macros fromĀ net/mdatools/modelant/utils/antlib.xml
- Unified for and iteration tasks and condition
- Replaced iterate task with for. Now for becomes a task, instead of macro. Now the general syntax allows iteration over ModelAnt collections and a standard ANT resources collection. Migration procedure:
- textually replace <iterate> with <for><tasks>,
- textually replace </iterate> with </tasks></for>
- replace the constructions <for><selector>..</selector><condition>..</condition> with <for><select> .. nested selector.. </select> .. nested condition </for>
- remove the <selector> tags in <for>
ModelAnt 2.19 is published
ModelAnt 2.19 is published. The documentation of the ANT tasks, types and macros of ModelAnt is published in antdoc. The documentation of the java implementation code is published in api.
ModelAnt 2.18.2 published
ModelAnt version 2.18.2 is published. The documentation of the ANT tasks, types and macros of ModelAnt is published in antdoc. The documentation of the java implementation code is published in api.
NOTE: ModelAnt 2.18.2 is compatible with ANT 1.7.1 and it is not compatible with ANT 1.8.x because of colliding implementations of task.
ModelAnt 2.18 published
ModelAnt version 2.18 is published. The documentation of the ANT tasks, types and macros of ModelAnt is published in antdoc. The documentation of the java implementation code is published in api.
NOTE: ModelAnt 2.17.1 is compatible with ANT 1.7.1 and it is not compatible with ANT 1.8.x because of colliding implementations of task.