Each metamodels in ModelAnt is represented by a wrapping component, organized as follows:
- the component is named after the metamodel it wraps.
- these components are located in /modelant/metamodel/<component name> directory
- each component sub-directory holds:
- any metamodel files in XMI 1.1/1.2 and XMI.DIFF format
- meta.xml file in the format of ANT antlib definition
- additional files and scripts, that will not be included in the component’s ant.doc
- meta.xml
- imports modelant-core module using:
<typedef resource="net/mdatools/modelant/core/antlib.xml"/>
- defines <component name>.load.metamodel macro, which loads the metamodel files into the metadata repository (MDR).
- defines <component name>.instantiate macro, which creates an extent for models
- any other macro defined must have <component name>. prefix
- imports modelant-core module using:
- No other components, macros or scripts should refer the wrapped files explicitly, but the .load.metamodel macro.
- The component directory is zipped in modelant-<component name>.jar
- Use the component’s macros in scripts by:
<typedef resource="<component name>/meta.xml"/>
- the UML 1.3 meta-model is stored in metamodel/uml13 directory
- load the UML 1.3 macros using:
<typedef resource="uml13/meta.xml"/>
- the UML 1.3 macros are:
- uml13.load.metamodel
- uml13.instantiate