

Print the model element it is invoked for, considering only the attributes and associations described in the nested criteria. These should be only "meaningful" parts of a model element, that allow identifying it.

Implementation class



Attribute Description Type
name The optional name of the property to store the result string. If not provided, the result is just logged. String
prefix Prefix (like indent) of all lines printed String
property The name of the property that holds the object to print. Default: this String

Nested elements

Element Description
equals Define for which class (and subclasses) which attributes and associations to print. Multiple definitions for class are acceptable.


Attribute Description Type
associations This is a comma-separated list of association paths common for all objects/model elements of that class and used to distinguish non-equal elements. It might be empty.
Each association path complies with the syntax:
attributes This is a comma-separated list of attribute paths common for all objects/model elements of that class and used to distinguish non-equal elements. It might be empty.
Each attribute path complies with the syntax:
metaClass This is the non-empty meta-model class name instances of which are compared for equality String
except These are rules overrides, valid for the model class and its subclasses to print

Nested elements

Element Description
equals State which attributes or associations excluded and not to be printed Multiple definitions for class are acceptable.


Attribute Description Type
associations This is a comma-separated list of association paths common for all objects/model elements of that class and used to distinguish non-equal elements. It might be empty.
Each association path complies with the syntax:
attributes This is a comma-separated list of attribute paths common for all objects/model elements of that class and used to distinguish non-equal elements. It might be empty.
Each attribute path complies with the syntax:
metaClass This is the non-empty meta-model class name instances of which are compared for equality String

Use <typedef resource="net/mdatools/modelant/core/antlib.xml"/>
Documentation generated by ant.doc Ant macro from ModelAnt by MDA Tools