

Format a string according a naming convention. This task formats the value provided as of the format specified and binds it to the property with the name provided.

Implementation class



Attribute Description Type
format Specifies the format. Values: "noChange", "firstCapital", "firstLower", "allCapital", "allLower"
Default value: noChange
  • firstCapital format means conversion to upper case of all first letters of the words in it, concatenate the words and remove all spaces, _ ,$,\t\n\r\f etc. Same as Java class name formating convention.
  • firstLower format means conversion to lower case the first letter of the first word, convert to upper case of all first letters of the other words in it, concatenate the words and remove all spaces, _ ,$,\t\n\r\f etc. Same as Java variable name formating convention.
  • allCapital format means conversion to upper case all words, separate them with _, remove all spaces, _,$,\t\n\r\f etc. Same as Java constant name formating convention.
  • allLower format means conversion to lower case all words, remove all spaces, _,$,\t\n\r\f etc. Same as Java package name formating convention.
name The name of the property where to store the formatted result String
value The string value to format String

Use <typedef resource="net/mdatools/modelant/util/antlib.xml"/>
Documentation generated by ant.doc Ant macro from ModelAnt by MDA Tools