- Replaced modelPathSelector with ref.get task to be used in select, search, for tasks and exists condition
- Replaced propertyAsListSelector with propertySelector, actually propertySelector could be skipped effectively – a shortcut provided
- Replaced listPropertySelector with propertySelector
- Extracted net/mdatools/modelant/utils/datatypes.xml library to hold the derived data type support macros fromĀ net/mdatools/modelant/utils/antlib.xml
- Unified for and iteration tasks and condition
- Replaced iterate task with for. Now for becomes a task, instead of macro. Now the general syntax allows iteration over ModelAnt collections and a standard ANT resources collection. Migration procedure:
- textually replace <iterate> with <for><tasks>,
- textually replace </iterate> with </tasks></for>
- replace the constructions <for><selector>..</selector><condition>..</condition> with <for><select> .. nested selector.. </select> .. nested condition </for>
- remove the <selector> tags in <for>