The general scripting conventions of ModelAnt are:
- The ModelAnt properties may store objects other than just strings.
- The property named this holds the current object to process, unless anything else stated.
- TheĀ ModelAnt tasks, macros and types receive as parameters (attributes) the names of the properties instead of string values.
- Common attribute names of ModelAnt tasks, macros and types:
- property – holds the name of the property with the actual value to process. Default value: this;
- name – holds the name of the property where to assign the produced value. Default value: this;
- Being also ANT tasks, macros and types, the ModelAnt tasks, macros and types are named as follows:
- all letters are lower case;
- ‘.’ is used as word separator;
- they have function or component-specific common prefix like
- ref – JMI reflective access to model elements;
- mdr – management of the MetaData Repository;
- uml13 – UML 1.3-relatedĀ processing;
- wrap – features related to model wrappers;
- no prefix is used only for widely used tasks, macros and types;
- Common model navigation attributes of ModelAnt tasks, macros and types:
- extent attribute holds the name of the extent of the model repository where the model or metamodel to process is/should be loaded;
- path attribute holds a navigation path through model attributes and associations evaluated starting from the current object to process;
- metaclass holds the qualified name of the metaclass to process.
See also: